Inspire and facilitate... When I think of this standard of the ISTE Visionary Leadership I think of a principal that I met today. I had an interview for the classes she is building. The position for the middle school level of animatronics and robotics and 3D printing. To walk through those halls today, I was inspired and I could see just by the student work in the hallways that she was facilitating her staff to bring the most to her students. " This leader has planned and implemented a districtwide technology initiative. " * I aspire to have my leadership style mimic traits of hers. I want technology to integrate into the children's lives the way it does on a regular basis outside of school. As I walked through that school today there were 3 students sitting in a circle on the floor right outside of the classroom door working together in a group. One was reading from a packet to the other, and one had a laptop open to search/type the answers to the questio...